Monday, August 27, 2012

Devotion Today

Hurt, Heal, Help!

This weekend, I spoke to one of my dearest friends.  Her and I only talk once every 2-3 months (it's her fault, lol) but when we speak, it's like we pick up where we left off and never miss a beat.  I love her like a sister, she is family.  This past weekend when we spoke, she told me she had been hurt by a trusted friend, a friend whom she views with the same honesty, love and respect that I view her.  Hearing the hurt in her voice really bothered infuriated me.  Immediately my mind was racing and a little piece of me that liked and had nothing against this person that hurt my friend suddenly resented her.  I quickly snapped back, I told myself "we are not little school girls anymore and you can't dislike someone just because they have an issue with your friend".  (Yawl know that's how it worked in school) 

With that being said, the Devotional Plan I am currently reading is from Joyce Meyer called "Ending Your Day Right".  Last night I read Devotions for 2 days because I let myself get behind.  One of the lessons was about people hurting you.  I took this as a reminder from God that he is all you need and always on time.  I didn't need to be mad at this person who had hurt my friend, God would send a healing for her through me...through Devotion.  The following Devotion I share with my friend and anyone who has ever been hurt by another human being.

Hurt, Heal, Help!

Sometimes people say or do things that hurt you, but you have the God-given ability to love these people.  One good way is to start by following the well-known golden rule.  It isn't easy.  In fact, it requires discipline.  But God will help you if you really want to do it. 

Discipline is your friend, it is the ability God gives you to walk in His ways.  Although it is difficult, discipline is temporary discomfort that can lead to permanent or long-term enjoyment. 

If you've been hurt and learned to overcome it, you have a valuable tool...use it to help others.  God comforts us so we can comfort others.  Here's the progression:  We hurt, we allow God to heal us, and we are ready to help others.  Hurt, heal, help!  It's a process that can literally change your life, and the lives of many others around you.

The scripture reading for this Devotion

Romans 5:5

And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Skin Care Series: Regimen

Let's Talk Skincare:

Basic Skincare Regimen 

 Below is an example of a basic skincare regimen

This skincare regimen is just for use as a guideline, feel free to customize as you see fit for your particular skin type 

Your Guide:

q Step 1- Cleanse: The skin needs to be cleansed at least once a day.  Use a cleanser that doesn’t strip the skin of natural oils. I prefer using a soap or foaming cleanser.  Do not use a soap that is formulated for the body or a bath soap; these choices will strip the skin and leave you feeling tight and dry. (Dry Skin: Use a rich (cream) cleanser; Oily Skin: Cleanse the face at least twice a day to prevent dirt and oil build up)   
q C. Janae’s Picks: Biore 4 in 1 Detoxifying foam cleanser $6-$7
Ambi Complexion Cleansing Bar $1.99

q Step 2- Exfoliate: Use an exfoliating cleanser twice a week in place of your daily cleanser (Step 1).  Exfoliation encourages cell turnover and dead skin removal.  Can be used on all skin types.

qStep 3- Mask: All skin types can benefit from using treatment masks.  Masks may be used weekly, bi-weekly or on a monthly basis depending on the needs of your particular skin type.  Choosing a mask that contains cucumber, aloe or chamomile will prove to be beneficial and soothing to your skin. 

q Step 4- Toner: Toners are completely optional, but I highly recommend them. They can assist in removing oil and dirt left behind by your cleanser or they can be used prior to cleansing as a pre-cleanser.   Toners are most beneficial for oily skin and persons that wear a lot of makeup.  During the summer, you will notice your skin is more oily and a toner may prove to be essential during this time.    
qC. Janae’s Picks: Clean and Clear Deep Cleansing Astringent (formula’s based on skin types) $3.99
Witch Hazel $3-$7

q Step 5- Moisturizer: Hydration…the most important step in skincare!  Moisturizers serve as a protective barrier between your delicate facial skin and harsh environmental surroundings.  The right moisturizer will extenuate the look, health and feel of your skin.   
C. Janae’s Picks: Cetaphil Daily Facial Moisturizer $11.99


I am an Esthetician; licensed skincare specialist. I am not a dermatologist.  The information contained in the Skin Care Series sections of this blog are personal tips and information I obtained through school and through experience working with persons of different skin types.  These guides and tips are intended for use as a basic skincare guide only.  

Caring for your skin should be just as important as caring for your heart, lungs and other vital organs.  If you are experiencing a serious skin disorder or abnormalities of the skin, you should seek the aid and treatment of a licensed dermatologist immediately. 

Monday, August 13, 2012

Skin Care Series: Skin Types and Care

Let's Talk Skincare:

Skin Types and Care

What is the T-Zone area? 

T-zone area (forehead, nose and chin)

I am an Esthetician; licensed skincare specialist. I am not a dermatologist.  The information contained in the Skin Care Series sections of this blog are personal tips and information I obtained through school and through experience working with persons of different skin types.  These guides and tips are intended for use as a basic skincare guide only. 
Caring for your skin should be just as important as caring for your heart, lungs and other vital organs.  If you are experiencing a serious skin disorder or abnormalities of the skin, you should seek the aid and treatment of a licensed dermatologist immediately. 

Ok.....On to Skin Types and Care....

Normal Skin

q        *  Smooth, even skin texture
q      * Comfortable feeling
q        * Cheeks may be dry, but nothing excessive
q        * May experience some shine and larger pores on T-zone area
q        * Water and oil content are in balance

Caring for Normal Skin

Cleanse the skin at least once a day with a cleanser formulated for the face, exfoliate 1-2 times per week in place of your daily cleanser, moisturize the skin using a lightweight lotion and use sunscreen to keep the skin healthy and prevent damage. Maintain a healthy lifestyle by exercising, eating healthy and drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water per day.

Dry Skin


q       * Skin is tight after washing
q       * Skin looks dry or flaky
q       * Feels rough and uneven to the touch
q       * Skin appears dehydrated
q       * May be sensitive
q       * Small pores
q       * Shows fine lines faster than other skin types

Caring for Dry Skin

Cleanse the skin at least once a day with a rich cleanser formulated for dry skin.  Moisture and hydration are essential needs of persons with dry skin.  A light-weight face oil is a good start, if that is not enough, try layering a rich cream moisturizer over the oil.  Layering different textures can do wonders for dry skin. Apply night cream before going to bed. Maintain a healthy lifestyle by exercising, eating a healthy diet loaded with foods high in water content (fruits, veggies) and drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water per day.  Dry Skin tips: Avoid prolonged sun exposure, caffeine and alcohol as much as possible.

Oily Skin


       * Skin is shiny, especially at the T-zone area
q        * Pores may be large and visible
q        * Frequent Breakouts
q        * Few to no signs of aging or fine lines

Caring for Oily Skin

Cleanse the skin at least twice a day to avoid dirt accumulation and to keep pores open.  After you’ve cleansed the face, use an alcohol-free toner or astringent to help further remove excess oil.  Use an oil-free moisturizer to keep the skin from over-drying. Oily skin management requires a healthy diet, exercise, proper hydration and maintaining a regular skincare routine to aid in the prevention of breakouts.

Combination Skin


q        * Larger pores on your forehead, nose and chin
q        * Oily T-Zone area
q        * Dry Cheeks
q        * Spot Dehydration

Caring for Combination Skin

Cleanse the skin at least once a day with a mild cleanser formulated for the face; you may follow the skincare “caring” tips for a person with normal skin.  Your regular routine should focus on cleansing, toning and moisturizing the oily areas while applying a dense moisturizer to the dry areas.  Persons with combination skin will benefit mostly by using moisturizing products containing AHA.  Maintain a healthy lifestyle by exercising, eating healthy and drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water per day.

Sensitive Skin


q        * Skin may range from dry to oily
q        * Itchy or Blotchy
q        * Skin is easily irritated by cosmetics, moisturizers and cleansers
q        * Sensitivity and prone to redness

Caring for Sensitive Skin

Use cleansers and moisturizers specifically formulated for sensitive skin.  (mild, non-perfumed products) An alcohol free toner formulated for sensitive skin should be used as a pre-cleaner or after you’ve cleansed your face. 
Cleanse the skin at least once a day with a cleanser formulated for the face, exfoliate 1-2 times per week in place of your daily cleanser, moisturize the skin using a lightweight lotion and use sunscreen to keep the skin healthy and prevent damage. Maintain a healthy lifestyle by exercising, eating healthy and drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water per day.

Life Happens

Don’t be fooled by misleading skin conditions.  Keep in mind that certain lifestyle factors (hormonal changes, stress) can alter the appearance of the skin and cause a false analysis.  In addition to these lifestyle factors, many other things can cause a misleading skin analysis like changes in the environment, your health, diet and certain products or makeup you’re currently using.

Certain medical conditions and medications can cause the skin to become red, dry or flaky.  Overusing any skincare product can cause the skin to become oily, dry or flaky, for example, if a person with dry skin overuses their moisturizer, their skin can appear greasy.  A person with sensitive skin can further irritate their skin and cause redness by using skincare products that are too strong or cheap. 

 Keep these factors in mind when analyzing and choosing products for your skin. 


Saturday, August 11, 2012

Skin Care Series: Self Analysis

Let's Talk Skincare:

What's Your Skin type?

Self Analysis

Using your current cleansing regimen, cleanse your face.  After you’ve cleansed, what is the overall texture of your (un-moisturized) skin? Flaky or tightness through the forehead (dry), shiny (oily), smooth (normal)

How does your skin look and feel around lunch hour? Do you notice oily breakthroughs?  Do you experience dryness even though you’ve applied moisturizer?

Don’t be fooled! Consider the following when conducting a self-analysis:
What lifestyle factors are currently affecting you?
o   An unreleased amount of stress
o   Hormonal changes
o   Diet
o   Sun Exposure 
(These factors can lead to a false analysis)

Friday, August 10, 2012

FOTN: Smokey Eye

Naked Grey's

Products Used:

    * Groundwork paintpot
    * NYX Jumbo Pencil (Black Bean)

    * RCMA cream foundation (Shinto-VIII)
    * MAC select cover-up concealer (NC50)
    * MAC MSF (Dark Deep)
    * Bobbi Brown Bronzer (Deep) cheeks
    * Coastal Scents Blush Palette (Hot Pink) cheeks

Urban Decay's Naked Palette (original)
    * Creep (outer V)
    * Gunmetal (lid, crease)
    * Sidecar (tear duct)
    * Ricepaper (brow bone highlight)
    * Texture (Transition)
    * Wedge (blending color)

    * wet n wild lipstick 907C (Mauve Outta Here)
    * NYX lip gloss (Real Nude)

More looks to come, stay tuned...

Skin Care Series: Introduction

Let's Talk Skincare:


Before you apply, or allow someone else to apply makeup to your face, you must be sure you are properly caring for your delicate skin.  Applying makeup to skin that has not been properly cared for has the potential to make a minor-bad situation worse; after all, makeup should be used to perfect your skin tone, not change it.  If you were born with naturally perfect skin, feel free to skip this post along with the next 3 or 4 post after. For those of us who weren’t as fortunate, please continue to read.

I have met 2 people in my lifetime that I would say had near perfect skin.  Simple day to day factors and life changes can contribute to changes in your skin: stress, hormones, the season and even medication.  To avoid drastic changes in the skin and to help flush out unwanted toxins, it’s a good idea to maintain a healthy diet, exercise and drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day. 

Educating yourself on how to care for your particular skin type and how to treat and recognize problem areas before they get out of control will help you further maintain your healthy skin and assist you in choosing the correct skincare products.  Over the next few days, all new post will be dedicated to achieving and maintaining healthy skin.