Monday, August 27, 2012

Devotion Today

Hurt, Heal, Help!

This weekend, I spoke to one of my dearest friends.  Her and I only talk once every 2-3 months (it's her fault, lol) but when we speak, it's like we pick up where we left off and never miss a beat.  I love her like a sister, she is family.  This past weekend when we spoke, she told me she had been hurt by a trusted friend, a friend whom she views with the same honesty, love and respect that I view her.  Hearing the hurt in her voice really bothered infuriated me.  Immediately my mind was racing and a little piece of me that liked and had nothing against this person that hurt my friend suddenly resented her.  I quickly snapped back, I told myself "we are not little school girls anymore and you can't dislike someone just because they have an issue with your friend".  (Yawl know that's how it worked in school) 

With that being said, the Devotional Plan I am currently reading is from Joyce Meyer called "Ending Your Day Right".  Last night I read Devotions for 2 days because I let myself get behind.  One of the lessons was about people hurting you.  I took this as a reminder from God that he is all you need and always on time.  I didn't need to be mad at this person who had hurt my friend, God would send a healing for her through me...through Devotion.  The following Devotion I share with my friend and anyone who has ever been hurt by another human being.

Hurt, Heal, Help!

Sometimes people say or do things that hurt you, but you have the God-given ability to love these people.  One good way is to start by following the well-known golden rule.  It isn't easy.  In fact, it requires discipline.  But God will help you if you really want to do it. 

Discipline is your friend, it is the ability God gives you to walk in His ways.  Although it is difficult, discipline is temporary discomfort that can lead to permanent or long-term enjoyment. 

If you've been hurt and learned to overcome it, you have a valuable tool...use it to help others.  God comforts us so we can comfort others.  Here's the progression:  We hurt, we allow God to heal us, and we are ready to help others.  Hurt, heal, help!  It's a process that can literally change your life, and the lives of many others around you.

The scripture reading for this Devotion

Romans 5:5

And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.

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