Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Conclusion/Weigh In: 3 Day Fruit and Veggie Cleanse

Overall, I am happy with the results of the fruit and veggie cleanse.  I will incorporate this cleanse into my diet at least once a month.  My only problem occurred on day 3 when I got a headache.  On all three days, I ate every 2 to 3 hours and drank water after each serving and all throughout the day.  I consumed about 70-80 ounces of water throughout each day.  I drank plane water (sometimes I added a few drops of lemon juice), sparkling water and zero calorie Sobe water.  Ok...enough cake, let's get to the frosting:

July 13, 2012 8:04am Starting Weight: 135.6
July 16, 2012 7:44am Ending Weight: 131.5
Total loss: 4.1 pounds

Water weight? It is possible, but I hope not, during the course of the three days, I drank more water than I normally drank and I got anywhere from 900-1000 calories from fruits, veggies and lean protein.  This week, I started a 30 day low intensity workout program.  I planned to start Insanity, but my current work schedule just doesn't allow for much time (recovery time after the workout); however, I will be starting Insanity after Labor Day.  I will begin posting weekly updates pertaining to the 30 day workout program to include weight changes and meal plans.  I only weighed myself during the 3 day cleanse, but for this 30 day program, I will take measurements as well.  Stay tuned...

Monday, July 16, 2012

Too this photo, before the haircut

Day 2 & 3: 3 Day Fruit & Veggie Cleanse

Day 2 and 3 were slightly different from day one, however, throughout the course of both days, I still did not feel hungry. One day two when my stomach began to growl around 11pm (should have been sleep anyway), I ate a hand full of grapes and drank a glass of water.  On day 3 for a late night snack, I had 4 small strawberries, a glass of water and called it a night.  I realized that day one was pretty much vegetable-less so on days 2 and 3, I added in a few greens.  My eating plan for day 2 was as follows:

Breakfast: banana, grapes, glass of water
snack: watermelon!!
lunch: 2 cups mixed salad greens, 3 cherry tomatoes, vinaigrette dressing, water
snack: pineapple, honeydew, grapes, water
dinner: salmon, asparagus, 3 strawberries, water
late night: grapes, water

I'd say day 2 deserves a round of applause!! Day 3 eating plan is as follows:

Breakfast: banana, strawberries, water
Snacks throughout the day: grapes, honeydew, blueberries
Dinner: Chicken breast, roasted potatoes :(  small salad
late night: strawberries, water

Day 3 was not as smooth as days one and two.  Breakfast was fine, I ate a serving of fruit every 2-3 hours as usual with water.  My husband ordered pizza for lunch and the smell was soooooo tempting.  I love pizza!  I held it down though...  For lunch a had a large fruit salad mixture.  Right after lunch I began to get a headache... this headache would not go away.  I figured the lack of protein and carbs were finally catching up with me so for dinner, I added some carbs....problem solved.  After that, it was smooth least until my late night hunger would call.

Found these shoes at TJ Maxx...they were different so I decided to buy them, look for an OOTD soon!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Tonight's dinner, Salmon, Asparagus and strawberries

Day 1: 3 Day Fruit & Veggie Cleanse

Yesterday was day one of the 3 day fruit and veggie cleanse and to kick things off, I ended Thursday night by taking two Dulcolax.  Big mistake!  Luckily, by the time I went to work Friday morning, things were back to normal.  Day one was more fruit than veggies, but my eating went as follows:

For breakfast, I had a protein shake, a banana and two glasses of water.  After that, I ate 1-2 servings of fruit every 2-3 hours followed by a glass of water after each serving.  For lunch, I had a nice sized bowl of fresh strawberries and blueberries.  After lunch I drank a 20 oz bottle of sparkling water and did not have any more fruit until I got off at 4.  Once home, I had a small fruit salad (mango, pineapple and a few grapes).  For the next two and a half hours I did not have any fruit or water because I was doing volunteer work at the mission.  Once I got home, I ate an orange and had salmon and a serving of roasted red peppers for dinner.  I know, I know, I should have had a salad or broccoli...anything but those starchy potatoes, but they were soooo good!  Oh well, the past is the past, can't change it now.

I can honestly say that I only got hungry once during the first day and that was late at night when I should have been sleep anyway.  To satisfy my hunger, I ate a few grapes and a glass of water.  The supplements I took were a multivitamin and a fish oil tablet.

Day 1 down...
Why Complicate things?

Friday, July 13, 2012

3 Day Fruit & Veggie Cleanse

The last 3 weeks have been a disaster in terms of my diet and exercise routine.  Prior to my current state of binge eating and sedentary activity level, I was progressing quite well at a new round of P90X.  I was well into week 3 with 5 pounds down and 2 inches off my waist.  Fast forward to 3 weeks ago...I started a new job and my daily routine got out of whack (terribly).  I've resorted to quick family dinners (hamburger helper, fried chicken, french fries, etc.), haven't gotten much sleep and don't wake up early enough to workout and still get to work on time.....lets not forget to mention the endless snacking.  Am I the only one that mistakes boredom for hunger?  Suspect #1: Hershey bar with almonds (I once ate 3 in one day).  Suspect #2: Sour cream and onion chips.....the dots say enough!!

I've made the decision to get back on track with my workouts and overall health, but first, I have to get rid of the junk (in my body).  I've decided to try a 3 day fruit and veggie cleanse...sort of.  I've done Beachbody's Shakeology cleanse in the past and will incorporate that into the next three days, but I will not be following that cleanse this time.  One day of shakes is all I can handle.  I went online and researched a variety of fruit and vegetable cleanse programs and created my own program based on the information I gathered during my research.  My first step was heading to WalMart to buy groceries.....yes, WalMart, it is the cheapest place to get groceries here besides the Commissary and it's too far away for a random fruit trip.  I can't believe there is no Kroger's here....I love Kroger's.  So $100 later, this is some of what I got:

Stay tuned for day 1 update.

Daily Devotion

As I continue to grow in this world and better grasp this thing called life, I find myself wanting to be closer to God.  I have always wanted to read and understand the bible but had never made reading the Bible a priority on my "to do" list.  Now, as, I settle into my 30's, I realize that in order for me to succeed at anything, God MUST be the center of my life and I must get to know him.  Then, as it would happen, certain events happened in my life and I found myself on my knees repenting, begging for forgiveness and pouring out my soul to the Lord.  Psalms 51 became my best friend. 

After God saw me through events that would take my life in a different direction forever, I finally picked up my Bible... Where do I begin...the beginning, the end, the middle, the New Testament, Old Testament, what if I don't understand?  These questions were mere excuses for me to once again place my desire to read the Bible on hold, but after what He brought me through, I knew I could not.  And I did not.  Immediately I picked up my iPad and downloaded the Bible (I like reading books on my iPad).  Just then, another app caught my eye, it was titled "Bible" by You Version sponsored by  In addition to giving you the Bible in over 200 different versions, this application provided plans that would help you read the Bible and explain the passages you read.  This by far has been the greatest app I've purchased.  I don't miss reading the Bible daily, several times a day.

Of course you could just pick up the Bible and begin reading without an application, but this app really helped me understand the written Word.  If you don't have an ipod or ipad, you can sign up at, it's the same thing.

This is an example of how the app looks.  I've completed 4 plans already and I'm presently working on two plans.  The voice control at the bottom allows the passages to be read to you, sometimes I enjoy sitting back listening to the Good Word.