Saturday, July 14, 2012

Day 1: 3 Day Fruit & Veggie Cleanse

Yesterday was day one of the 3 day fruit and veggie cleanse and to kick things off, I ended Thursday night by taking two Dulcolax.  Big mistake!  Luckily, by the time I went to work Friday morning, things were back to normal.  Day one was more fruit than veggies, but my eating went as follows:

For breakfast, I had a protein shake, a banana and two glasses of water.  After that, I ate 1-2 servings of fruit every 2-3 hours followed by a glass of water after each serving.  For lunch, I had a nice sized bowl of fresh strawberries and blueberries.  After lunch I drank a 20 oz bottle of sparkling water and did not have any more fruit until I got off at 4.  Once home, I had a small fruit salad (mango, pineapple and a few grapes).  For the next two and a half hours I did not have any fruit or water because I was doing volunteer work at the mission.  Once I got home, I ate an orange and had salmon and a serving of roasted red peppers for dinner.  I know, I know, I should have had a salad or broccoli...anything but those starchy potatoes, but they were soooo good!  Oh well, the past is the past, can't change it now.

I can honestly say that I only got hungry once during the first day and that was late at night when I should have been sleep anyway.  To satisfy my hunger, I ate a few grapes and a glass of water.  The supplements I took were a multivitamin and a fish oil tablet.

Day 1 down...

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