Friday, July 13, 2012

3 Day Fruit & Veggie Cleanse

The last 3 weeks have been a disaster in terms of my diet and exercise routine.  Prior to my current state of binge eating and sedentary activity level, I was progressing quite well at a new round of P90X.  I was well into week 3 with 5 pounds down and 2 inches off my waist.  Fast forward to 3 weeks ago...I started a new job and my daily routine got out of whack (terribly).  I've resorted to quick family dinners (hamburger helper, fried chicken, french fries, etc.), haven't gotten much sleep and don't wake up early enough to workout and still get to work on time.....lets not forget to mention the endless snacking.  Am I the only one that mistakes boredom for hunger?  Suspect #1: Hershey bar with almonds (I once ate 3 in one day).  Suspect #2: Sour cream and onion chips.....the dots say enough!!

I've made the decision to get back on track with my workouts and overall health, but first, I have to get rid of the junk (in my body).  I've decided to try a 3 day fruit and veggie cleanse...sort of.  I've done Beachbody's Shakeology cleanse in the past and will incorporate that into the next three days, but I will not be following that cleanse this time.  One day of shakes is all I can handle.  I went online and researched a variety of fruit and vegetable cleanse programs and created my own program based on the information I gathered during my research.  My first step was heading to WalMart to buy groceries.....yes, WalMart, it is the cheapest place to get groceries here besides the Commissary and it's too far away for a random fruit trip.  I can't believe there is no Kroger's here....I love Kroger's.  So $100 later, this is some of what I got:

Stay tuned for day 1 update.

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