Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Conclusion/Weigh In: 3 Day Fruit and Veggie Cleanse

Overall, I am happy with the results of the fruit and veggie cleanse.  I will incorporate this cleanse into my diet at least once a month.  My only problem occurred on day 3 when I got a headache.  On all three days, I ate every 2 to 3 hours and drank water after each serving and all throughout the day.  I consumed about 70-80 ounces of water throughout each day.  I drank plane water (sometimes I added a few drops of lemon juice), sparkling water and zero calorie Sobe water.  Ok...enough cake, let's get to the frosting:

July 13, 2012 8:04am Starting Weight: 135.6
July 16, 2012 7:44am Ending Weight: 131.5
Total loss: 4.1 pounds

Water weight? It is possible, but I hope not, during the course of the three days, I drank more water than I normally drank and I got anywhere from 900-1000 calories from fruits, veggies and lean protein.  This week, I started a 30 day low intensity workout program.  I planned to start Insanity, but my current work schedule just doesn't allow for much time (recovery time after the workout); however, I will be starting Insanity after Labor Day.  I will begin posting weekly updates pertaining to the 30 day workout program to include weight changes and meal plans.  I only weighed myself during the 3 day cleanse, but for this 30 day program, I will take measurements as well.  Stay tuned...

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