Monday, July 16, 2012

Day 2 & 3: 3 Day Fruit & Veggie Cleanse

Day 2 and 3 were slightly different from day one, however, throughout the course of both days, I still did not feel hungry. One day two when my stomach began to growl around 11pm (should have been sleep anyway), I ate a hand full of grapes and drank a glass of water.  On day 3 for a late night snack, I had 4 small strawberries, a glass of water and called it a night.  I realized that day one was pretty much vegetable-less so on days 2 and 3, I added in a few greens.  My eating plan for day 2 was as follows:

Breakfast: banana, grapes, glass of water
snack: watermelon!!
lunch: 2 cups mixed salad greens, 3 cherry tomatoes, vinaigrette dressing, water
snack: pineapple, honeydew, grapes, water
dinner: salmon, asparagus, 3 strawberries, water
late night: grapes, water

I'd say day 2 deserves a round of applause!! Day 3 eating plan is as follows:

Breakfast: banana, strawberries, water
Snacks throughout the day: grapes, honeydew, blueberries
Dinner: Chicken breast, roasted potatoes :(  small salad
late night: strawberries, water

Day 3 was not as smooth as days one and two.  Breakfast was fine, I ate a serving of fruit every 2-3 hours as usual with water.  My husband ordered pizza for lunch and the smell was soooooo tempting.  I love pizza!  I held it down though...  For lunch a had a large fruit salad mixture.  Right after lunch I began to get a headache... this headache would not go away.  I figured the lack of protein and carbs were finally catching up with me so for dinner, I added some carbs....problem solved.  After that, it was smooth least until my late night hunger would call.

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